Dear EURAF members and fans,
The European agroforestry federation is managed on a day-to-day basis by a board of 6 people, whose purpose is to serve the interests of you, Europe's agroforestry researchers, practitioners and geeks. The board serves for a 2-year mandate.
On 19th of May 2022, at the EURAF general assembly in Nuoro, Sardinia, EURAF members voted in the following individuals for a new two-year term:
President : Judit Csikvari (HU), an experienced agroforestry manager and cultural anthropologist from Hungary.
Deputy President : Patrick Worms (BE & DE) from CIFOR-ICRAF, the Centre for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry.
Secretary : Manuel Bertomeu (ES) from the University of Extremadura, who was one of the main authors of the PEFC study "Trees outside forests" on certification standards.
Deputy Secretary : Francesca Camilli (IT) from the Institute for the BioEConomy, National Reseach Council, CNR-IBE, the main organizer of the Agroforestry Conference in Nuoro.
Treasurer : Claire Lemarié (FR) from the French Chamber of Agriculture, working as an agroforestry advisor.
Deputy Treasurer : Bohdan Lojka (CZ), head of the Department of Crop Sciences and Agroforestry, Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague