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EURAF event on Agroforestry at Expo 2015

Summary of the event:
Mosquera-Losada MR (2015)  The European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF) and Agroforestry in Europe. Presentation at the Agroforestry Event at EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy. 12 September 2015.
Rosati A (2015) What's Agroforestry anyway?. Presentation at the Agroforestry Event at EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy. 12 September 2015.

Balager F (2015) Agr’eau: developing a resource-efficient, ecofriendly, climate-smart agriculture across the Adour-Garonne watershed (South-West France). Presentation at the Agroforestry Event at EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy. 12 September 2015.

Borelli F (2015) Agroforestry and Food Security Challenges and perspectives. Presentation at the Agroforestry Event at EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy. 12 September 2015.

Szedlak T (2015) Agroforestry in the EU Common Agricultural Policy and in the new EU Forest Strategy. Presentation at the Agroforestry Event at EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy. 12 September 2015.

Burgess P (2015) The AGFORWARD Project. Presentation at the Agroforestry Event at EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy. 12 September 2015.

Brunori A (2015) PEFC SFM certification: and Agroforestry?. Presentation at the Agroforestry Event at EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy. 12 September 2015.

Bas-Defossez F (2015) How can we reap the full economic and environmental potential of agroforestry, and make it go mainstream?. Presentation at the Agroforestry Event at EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy. 12 September 2015.

Ferraio V (2015) Morte e rinascita della piantata padana (Death and rebirth of the "piantata" in the Po area). Presentation at the Agroforestry Event at EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy. 12 September 2015.

Mele M (2015) La modernità dei sistemi integrati agro-silvo-pastorali in Italia (Modernity of integrated agrosilvo-pastoral systems in Italy). Presentation at the Agroforestry Event at EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy. 12 September 2015.

Pisanelli A, Rosati A (2015) Agroforestry e PAC in Italia (Agroforestry and CAP in Italy). Presentation at the Agroforestry Event at EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy. 12 September 2015.

Mezzalira G (2015) Fare arboricoltura da legno in una moderna azienda della pianura veneta: l’Azienda Casaria di MasiPD (Growing hardwoods in a modern farm in the Veneto Region: the Casaria di Masi farm). Presentation at the Agroforestry Event at EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy. 12 September 2015.

Da Schio F (2015) Agroforestazione ed agricoltura conservativa: il caso dell’azienda di Francesco da Schio (Agroforestry and conservation agriculture: the case of Francesco da Schio's farm). Presentation at the Agroforestry Event at EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy. 12 September 2015.

Gumiero B (2015) Funzione depuratrice dei sistemi arborei di pianura (Depuration function of tree systems in the plains). Presentation at the Agroforestry Event at EXPO 2015, Milan, Italy. 12 September 2015.

EURAF event on Agroforestry at Expo 2015, Milan, 12 September 2015Program here