Domaine de Restinclières, Montpellier, France. Photo by AGROOF
AFINET partners planting trees
Asse, Belgium
1st Spanish RAIN meeting
Duck farm "La patte d'oie"
Saint Michel, France. Photo by Cristina Nascimento
Olive orchard of Il Pogliano farm, Italy
Mushroom workshop, Finland
AFINET consortium field visit, in Poland
Hosted by a polish proud farmer (left), over his landscape
Sweet cherry in combination with vegetables on an organic farm
North Western Switzerland. Photo by Felix Herzog
Biodiverse, organic farm Herdade dos Lagos
Mértola, Portugal. Photo by Ana Tomás
AFINET UK first workshop - Tree Fodder
In May 2017, Organic Research Centre held the first AFINET UK Workshop. Sharing Knowledge, improving practice and enhancing livelihoods were the aims of the meeting.