
Around 30 people attended the first cork inet inter-regional workshop from the Incredible project, which took place in ISA, Lisbon, Portugal. The meeting was dedicated to the subject: ‘Genetic variation of cork oak, a tool for regeneration of cork oak woodlands’.


RAIN members held a lively debate on opportunities for introducing and commercializing agricultural innovations in Poland. The key challenge is to find a leader, since there is still a lack of trust in Polish society, affected by experience of Communism.


Around 30 people attended the 4th Galician RAIN meeting , which took place on January 23th in Muras (Lugo).


The event was a big success and can be seen a milestone for agroforestry development in the country.


The event was a big success and can be seen a milestone for agroforestry development in the country.

A new silvoarable site with hybrid poplars and peduncolate oak (not yet fully visible along tree line) for timber production, in Masi, Italy.

The fil rouge of the event was the role of multifunctional agriculture in harmonizing different land use systems and combining agro-food production, wood bio-economy and rural development, with the approach of sustainable intensification and environmental protection.

A new silvoarable site with hybrid poplars and peduncolate oak (not yet fully visible along tree line) for timber production, in Masi, Italy.

The fil rouge of the event was the role of multifunctional agriculture in harmonizing different land use systems and combining agro-food production, wood bio-economy and rural development, with the approach of sustainable intensification and environmental protection.

Noord-Brabant, in The Netherlands

The Agroforestry Network of Noord-Brabant in The Netherlands consists of about 50 farmers who have the ambition to apply agroforestry on their farm and/or want to experiment with it. To facilitate making use of experiences and knowledge available elsewhere, this network got in touch with the Flemish Consortium Agroforestry and their RAIN network within the AFINET project.


The 5th AFINET consortium meeting took place in Auch (France), from 27th to 30th November. Partners from the nine participating countries got together discuss how to broaden the impact of AFINET, involve the stakeholders and enhance agroforestry innovations in Europe, as well as to update the evaluation of the project and foresee future actions for the following and final year. 


Around 80 people attended the workshop and considered it a milestone in European agroforestry.


Subjects covered included starting a firewood business from coppicing field boundary hedges; plans for a diverse agroforestry system that will supply raw materials for cosmetics and an agroforestry nut tree nursery.


Subjects covered included starting a firewood business from coppicing field boundary hedges; plans for a diverse agroforestry system that will supply raw materials for cosmetics and an agroforestry nut tree nursery.


Participants at the meeting demonstrated to strongly believe in developing synergies among them and the feeling of cooperation is growing up with the aim to face the challenges to adopt new land use approach.


About 35 representatives of the Galician agroforestry sector, including farmers, researchers, producers associations and representatives of the regional Government, Xunta de Galicia, met for the third meeting of the AFINET RAIN, where they discussed and shared technical, economic or political innovations which promote agroforestry management in Galician forests and soils.

Photo: Josep Crous Duran

Quinta do Mocho, Várzea, in Santarém, Portugal, welcomed “AGROGLOBAL”, an event aimed at the promotion of agriculture related businesses, from the 5th to the 7th of September.

Foto: Ana Tomás

Around 30 people attended the meeting, which took place in EDIA’s headquarters in Beja, Portugal.


Members of the Finnish Agroforestry Innovation Network met to see how landscape and forest management can be combined with sheep herding.


The group discussed how to develop agroforestry in Poland in the context of national legislative acts and regulations and how include it in quality assessment systems with possible use of existing procedures and systems e.g. those existing within organic agriculture framework.


On 2nd of June, the stakeholders took part in the celebration of shepherds and wood pasture in Olaszfalu, a small village near the lake Balaton. On 23rd of June Balázs Kulcsár, organic producer, received the members of the network at “Valaha Tanya”, Vértesacsa, a small village near to Budapest.


The objective of this operation is to develop and implement a sustainable model for the cultivation, harvesting and management of agricultural farm using a new agroforestry system (fruits shrubs/trees intercropped with herbs) and biomass heating system fueled by pellets.